Proverbs 31: Encouragement for Today

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Free Samples & Coupons from Sprinklings!


I just received another sample yesterday from Sprinklings and that reminded me to let you all know about this fun mailing list!.

Go to When you get to the website click on the 'parents' button. This will take you to a new page. On this page you want to click on Sprinklings (should be on the upper left side of the factory picture) You will need to provide your address and e-mail address.

The reason for giving your mailing address is to receive samples & coupons from Kellogg's Pop-Tarts.

Yesterday I received a sample box with a package of their new wild grape flavor pop-tarts. This flavor is not yet on store shelves. After my son and I tried them I was able to fill out a survey to let Kellogg's know what I thought of this new product! How cool is that? My son and I were able to share what we thought of a product BEFORE it hit the store shelves. Moms & Dads this is a great way to let companies know what you & your kids like or don't like. The companies are asking and listening so go ahead-tell them what you think!

Sign up today so that you can receive the next free sample and/or coupon! You don't want to miss out on these tasty freebies and a way to let your opinion be known!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Last Minute Gifts

By now, many of you will have finished your Christmas shopping.

However, there are always those last minute gifts that are needed for stockings or maybe you still have one more person to buy for.

Today, I have two suggestions: Walgreens & Meijer!

Let me explain: Walgreens has lots of items that people don't even realize that they sell and this close to Christmas many things are on sale. You can pick up one of their store ads when you walk in. Within the ad are some 'in ad' coupons that make your shopping that much cheaper!

Candy can make an easy stocking filler or a good last minute gift for that one person you don't really know very well but have to give a gift too! There is an 'in ad' coupon for assorted Christmas candy for 39 cents. Limit 6 (assortment varies by store)
Theater pack or King size candy is $3/3-again assortment varies by store. 2.54-7.8oz

If you have a child you need to buy for why not give them a game? This type of gift is something they can play right away with others who are gathered for the Christmas celebration-a nice way to keep kids from getting bored! $4.99!

Walgreen's has Uno, Hippos, Scrabble Slam! & more! Check your local Walgreens for their selection.

Puzzle, activity or coloring books are 3/$1-limit6

If you need tape, wrapping paper or gifts bags Walgreens has all of these items and many are on sale! You can get a 3 pack of Scotch Tape for 2.99 or Walgreens Tape is .99-limit 3 for both brands.

Nuts are a good thing to put out in a dish when people come over! Check out your local Walgreens ad because many different types are on sale! Planters & Walgreens brands

There are also many gift sets and a new extended line of gift cards that you can pick up at Walgreens. Gift cards are great gifts for those hard to buy for people and since you can find so many types at Walgreens you don't have to run all over town to different restaurants or stores to get them-instead you can get them all in one place-Walgreens!!!

Check out your local Meijer's seasonal department: Many Meijer stores have a special $5 and under stocking stuffer aisle in the seasonal department! At my Meijer I found a tube of small play dough tubs for one of my children (under $5). I also noticed that there were toys specifically for girls and boys and some generic things. Metal slinkies, cute sparkle bags with brushes and combs and other 'girlie' type stuff and much more! If you need that last minute stocking stuffer head to your local Meijer.

One thing to remember is that the one day of the year Meijer is NOT open is Christmas Day. So, if you need to get a few things you better get them soon-it's already Dec. 23. Happy last minute shopping!

After you have finished all of your shopping, take a minute to relax and be thankful that you have so many loved ones to buy gifts for! And remember-Christmas is not just about shopping and eating-It is about Jesus' birth and the fact that He came to save us which is the greatest gift ever given!

Hope you all have a blessed CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year!

Disclaimer: The Walgreen's & Meijer prices/items listed in this blog are from certain West Michigan cities-double check the prices at your Meijer or Walgreens-prices/items may vary!